Sedang mencari ulasan tentang buat 5 kalimat menggunakan because to dan due to? Bila benar, anda telah ada di situs yang tepat.
Btw, kami sudah menyiapkan 1 cara mengerjakan dari buat 5 kalimat menggunakan because to dan due to. Tak perlu basa basi, langsung saja pelajari jawabannya selanjutnya disini:
Buat 5 Kalimat Menggunakan Because To Dan Due To
Jawaban: #1:Jawaban:
1. Sarah wants to go to the salon today (because ) her hair needs a trim.
2. (Because of) the change in the weather, we have decided not to go to the parade.
3. Diane missed her flight (due to) a traffic delay on her way to the airport.
4. (Because of) my stolen car, I will have to rent a car for the next few days.
5. The doctors said that the man's death was (due to) heart failure.
6. The teacher thinks the students didn't learn the lesson well enough (because) they weren't listening to her.
7. (Because) the lights don't work, you'll need a flashlight when you go down into the basement.
8. The company won't hire him (because) he tested positive for drugs.
9. The door doesn't close properly (because) it's broken.
10. School was cancelled (due to) the weather.
maaf kalau salah kak:(

Kalau kamu masih ada tugas lainnya, silahkan temukan juga cara menjawabnya di laman ini.
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