Solusi "Galileo Was The First Person To Look At The Night Sky Through A Telescope. He Discovered Four Moons..."

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Btw, kami telah mempunyai 1 kunci jawaban mengenai Galileo was the first person to look at the night sky through a telescope. He discovered four moons.... Monggo lihat cara menjawabnya selengkapnya di bawah ini:

Galileo Was The First Person To Look At The Night Sky Through A Telescope. He Discovered
four Moons Orbiting Jupiter. How Did This Discovery Support The Heliocentric Model?

Jawaban: #1:

Answer :

Galileo supported Copernicus' heliocentric theory which states that the sun is the center of the universe.

I'm sorry if i answer is wrong :)

LAAL SINGH CHADDHA First Look - Aamir Khan | Shahrukh Khan | Salman

chaddha laal singh kareena (sumber gambar:

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