Using Due To Or Thanks To Dan Kalo Bisa Dikasi Keterangan Kenapa Milih Due To / Thanks To Ya. "misal... termasuk salah satu pertanyaan yang banyak dicari dan dapat anda temukan solusinya disini.
Kami sudah menyiapkan 1 cara mengerjakan dari using Due to or Thanks to dan kalo bisa dikasi keterangan kenapa milih due to / thanks to ya. "misal.... Monggo baca cara menjawabnya selanjutnya di bawah ini:
Using Due To Or Thanks To
dan Kalo Bisa Dikasi Keterangan Kenapa Milih Due To / Thanks To Ya.
"misal : Pilihan Due To Karena Diikuti Noun"
Jawaban: #1: Jawaban:
1. The kids were saves thanks to the brave policeman
2. The girls look beautiful in the photograph thanks to the camera filter
3. Due to the flood the offices were closed for some days
4. Thanks to the manager's help the workers could finish the project quickly
5. The risk of plastic waste in the ocean cannot be properly identified due to the lack of data
6. My low grade was due to the lack of study
7. We can finish the assignment thanks to the internet
8. The accident was due to the flat tire
9. Due to the storm we have no electricity
10. The mans yawning was due to his overtime day shifts
Reason : Karena thanks to mempunyai makna yang positif ( kecuali jika digunakan dengan sarkasme )
kalau Due to itu lebih neutral dan bisa juga negatif
Itulah cara mengerjakan mengenai pekerjaan rumah di atas, semoga dapat membantu!
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