Dialog Bahasa Inggris Yang Ada Kata Because Of Due To Thanks To adalah salah satu pertanyaan yang bisa sobat baca solusinya disini.
By the way, kami sudah menyusun 2 kunci jawaban atas dialog bahasa inggris yang ada kata because of due to thanks to. Silakan pelajari cara menyelesaikannya selanjutnya di bawah:
Dialog Bahasa Inggris Yang Ada Kata Because Of Due To Thanks To
Jawaban: #1: Answer:In English, connectors like 'because of' and 'due to' are to state cause and effect. Meanwhile, 'thanks to' is used for stating gratitude. All of them are followed by noun or phrase. Here's the example of them in a sentence:
- She failed the test because of her own fault.
- He had to be sent off due to his horrendous tackle.
- Thanks to your advice. Now I can get it done fast.
Here's the dialogue:
Juan: Thank you for your awful blunder. Now we lost the chance to go to the final.
Hank: Dude, what's that supposed to mean?
J: You know exactly, what I meant!! You didn't look around when you were passing the ball to Lee. You can see from the reply all over the internet.
H: OK, I know I made mistake, I'm sorry, but don't you just blame on me. You had your own issue and I can say we could have won if you hadn't missed 5 times in the penalty area, including the penalty kick. So, we lost because of your being incompetent as a striker.
J: Whoa, so now you blame on me??
H: You heard me.
Captain: Knock it off both of you!! This loss is all your fault due to your unprofessional attitude now. Now get out of here and wash yourself. This week you will be doing training separately.
H & J: But, Captain....
C: No buts, now go!!
Kelas: SMA
Mapel: English
Kata kunci: connectors of cause and effect, dialogue Jawaban: #2: Jack: Hey, Jim. Did you come to the party last night?
Jim: No, I did not come to the party because of sleeping. Maybe John did.
Jack: John, did you come?
John: I did not either due to my final project revision that I had to work on.
Jack: So, neither of us came to the party last night? Good, Jill will be angry with us.
Jim: Well, thanks to the rain last night, we might be able to make it up.
John: Indeed!
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