Solusi "Which Sign Ia The Intersection​"

Jika sobat mau menemukan cara mengerjakan atas soal which sign ia the intersection​, maka kamu telah ada di tempat yang tepat.

By the way, kami telah menyusun 1 kunci jawaban mengenai which sign ia the intersection​. Tak perlu basa basi, langsung saja lihat kunci jawabannya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Which Sign Ia The Intersection​

Jawaban: #1:


A stop sign is a regulatory sign - a traffic control device that warns drivers to slow down and prepare to stop. It's used when there are no other cars around, or at the end of a line of traffic. Drivers must stop at the stop line, crosswalk, or intersection, whichever they encounter first.


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